Have you got green fingers and some time to spare?
Do you know what plants to grow? How to grow them, and where?
Do you want to grow some tasty food?
The Vegetable Garden has undergone something of a transformation over the last few years – thanks to a grant from the City Bridge Trust’. This grant helped us build additional beds for planting even more fruit and vegetables and to run a stand pipe into the vegetable garden to make watering easier. We also built a volunteer cabin for some bad weather shelter and to store tools and our belongings, and where we can do all those indoor jobs a vegetable garden needs!
Everyone who works in the vegetable garden is a volunteer. We do this for one another and for everyone who comes to West Ham Park, and not just for ourselves. You will be working with us as part of the team to keep the vegetable garden a safe and harmonious place.
Summer 2023 update
The Community Vegetable Garden is going from strength to strength! It now has a home schooling group, pictured above, that visits regularly. Recently they have finished making an insect hotel, started digging a small pond and picked raspberries. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!
The Community Vegetable Garden is open from 10am-12pm on Tuesdays, and 2-4pm on Wednesdays. They are always looking for new volunteers to help with planting, weeding, digging and other jobs in the garden. Come and join us!