Unfortunately this event has been postponed. We’ll be running a craft stall in the Community Vegetable Garden as part of the Newham Unlocked Festival in West Ham Park. Come along, choice your fruit and vegetable shapes to colour and stick to a paper crown. You can wear it with pride to remind yourself to eat…
Bat Walks Are Back!
CANCELLED! Friday 30th September, 7.15-8.15pm. Due to cold and wet weather we have had to cancel our second Bat Walk. We have tiny pipstrelle bats in the park, and just after sunset is the best time to see them. So why not come along on one of our popular free Bat Walks and try and see…
Big Summer Litter Pick
Every Sunday in August 10am-12pm7th, 14, 21st, 28th August Where does all the litter come from? The long hot Summer Days always bring more people to the Park, and, unfortunately, more litter. And sometimes even if people use the bins provided, the wind blows it around, or birds toss the rubbish out when looking for…
Nursery Site Developments, June 2022
A small number of the Friends Group were invited to a presentation by City of London (see the presentation here) on their proposals for the nursery site in West Ham Park which took place on Monday evening (June 13th). In summary, the City of London told us the following – They made an in principle decision…
Children’s Planting Workshop: Review
What a wonderful turnout! Nearly 250 of you (some young, and some not so young) attended the Friends’ vegetable garden event on Thursday – decorating a plant pot, and then ‘potting on’. And in a short while hopefully those lovely nasturtiums will have beautiful – and edible – flowers. It was also a great day…
Springtime in the Park: Review
Thanks everyone for turning up for our spring event! About 35 people went off on the Tree Trail to admire the newly green trees, and pick up interesting natural and historical facts at the same time. Some of you even came back to our RSPB-run gazebo to ask how to identify birds and join the…
Object to Plans to Build on West Ham Park
Notices have recently appeared on all the Park Gates, detailing in very vague terms, the City of London Corporation’s plans to ‘lease’ at least half of the existing Nursery Site on a 999 year lease – which sounds much more like selling it to me. The Friends of West Ham Park are asking as many…
West Ham Park Nursery Site Meeting: Review
Tuesday 29 March 2022 The City of London are still being remarkably quiet about their plans to redevelop the Nursery Site, although they have now posted a Public Notice on the Park Gates. This was discussed at some length during the meeting, including asking all participants to write to CoL’s agent Savills, and object to…
Space Exploration Weekend: Review
On Friday evening about 40 people took part in our Star Gazing which they all enjoyed – even though it was very cold.Unfortunately we couldn’t hold another one on Saturday evening as it was too cloudy. On Sunday afternoon 50 people took part in creating a Scale Model of the Solar System in the park….
Bird Watch Weekend: Review
What a lot of keen bird watchers we have! There must have been almost 40 people each day who joined in our sessions. We saw lots of birds – especially the Parakeets! So got plenty of practice for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at the end of the month (28th-30th January this year). Thanks also…